中美网美国留学 www.usaer.net 2015-07-01 编辑: usaedit1
在以上的例文中,作者是在谈论她哥哥,谈论他对自己有巨大影响(这是主文书的论文选题3)。作者赞美了她哥哥,然而,大部分都是陈词滥调,是我们已经看到过千万遍的话,所以读者不会觉得她哥哥是"one in a million" (“万里挑一的”),所有这些陈词滥调会迅速让读者对她哥哥没有兴趣。试试文章可以这么写:"Throughout high school, I have tried to emulate my brother. He takes his responsibilities seriously, yet he is generous when dealing with the shortcomings of others. This combination of reliability and graciousness makes others turn to him for leadership. My own successes in high school are due largely to my brother's example."