中美网美国留学 www.usaer.net 2015-06-23 编辑: Alice
做完面试了, 现在来分享一下历程:
打过去, 居然让我等了5分钟operator才接通........
接过面试的是个个女的,不是professor, 是个assisntant. 听得出有欧洲口音, 但在美国待了很长时间, 儿化音挺多的.. 还算NICE, 就是感觉她的英语比较烂, 声音又不算大, 经常要求她提高音量..现在想想, 他遇到我这么个主也挺郁闷的.
第一个问题我就被惊住了, 过去上大学最美好的经验是什么, (what's the wonderful experience during you college time )定格1秒中: 在脑海里浮现( having sex with my ex girl friend)
忍住了: 说了一些 team work 的经验.....
她连说GOOD, 然后又问我为什么喜欢旅游, 都去过哪.:
相当无聊的问题: 我回答的就是很TYPICAL的答案: BROADEN MY HORIZON, make new friends, improve my time managment skills. .
她再问我已经MASTER毕业了, 为什么还要读.
我心想这有什么好奇的: 我跟她也实话实说 找不到工作就读书咯, i don't want to waste my life....
她说: good. 你2008年 1月份毕业 到现在都干什么..
我只能换个方式回答: while i'm looking for job, i've found my knowledge is not enough to be an elite in finance industry. then i'm preparing for GRE exam in case i need to continue my education. as i did a good job in the GRE exam, at the same time, financial crisis came up. then i just decide to continue my further education because the best investment during financial crisis is education. (自己心理想: what a lot of crap, 这种废话都说出来)....
不过她到是很满意说: excellent, clever choice.
又继续问了我 在国外学习最大的障碍是什么.......
我本来想说, 国外不好找女朋友, 狼多肉少. 不过, 毕竟不小了, 说话不能这么儿戏..还是忍住了, 我说: 文化差异, I have to get adaptive to everything that is different from where i am from. in addition, i also need to improve my English skills. in order to communicate well with people from other countries and cultures. 一般这样的都是比较SAVE的 answer...
我说not good dark, cloudy. make me feel like to sleep.
我当时也没什么感觉, 就接着她的问题问:
what's the whether like in Boston now? is that sunny or the whether makes you sad.....
she said: it's fine. any other questions?"
我说有没有去年这个专业毕业生找工作的比例: 她说 这是机密不能说, 然后就随便说说,他们CAREER SERVICES 会给学生很多支持, 叫我不用太担心....
整个过程就是这样. 感觉BU的interview的问题都是大多来自你的简历和PS, 都是相关的问题. 挺无聊的, 虽然问的都没怎么准备, 但回答的都OKAY. 不是很紧张...告诉我 过2个星期给消息。